Saturday Mar 31, 2018
2.1 John Adams
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
We start our look at the second president of the United States, the one and only John Adams (apart from the other John Adams who comes a bit later). In this episode we go from his childhood fishing, playing marbles and rearranging cattle, up to his adventures crossing the ocean blue on his way to France. Join us on a tale of love, betrayal, courtroom drama and pirates!
Saturday Mar 17, 2018
1.2 George Washington
Saturday Mar 17, 2018
Saturday Mar 17, 2018
We finish off Washington’s busy life by looking into how he went from winning the war, to being president. It was not an easy journey - there was political infighting, rebellions, the French, the British and so many distracting ladies. How is one supposed to set up a brand new republic in such conditions?
Friday Mar 02, 2018
1.1 George Washington
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
So we begin! We start with George Washington pt.1 (from birth to the end of the War of Independence). If George wanted to be anything, it was to be a Proper Gentleman. He new all the rules: Work hard, stiff upper lip, don't brush your teeth with the tablecloth etc. Things were going... ok... But then a meeting was called to discuss those damned British. And Washington had just had that lovely blue uniform made...
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
00 Pre Presidential
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Hello! Welcome to the start of our exciting new podcast. We are going to decide just how interesting each president was. How were they as a statesman? Any scandal? How would their life play out as a film? What is their portrait like?
This is a lighthearted look through US history where we search for all those interesting facts about the men who shaped a global superpower. This episode however, looks at the time before the presidents. Find out what the people of Jamestown ate after they ran out of shoe leather, why the 50th thanksgiving must have been awkward (apart from it not being a thing back then) and just how unimaginative were the colonists when it came to naming things.
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Intro to Totalus Rankium
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
This is just a quick intro recorded after we got to the end just to keep people updated on what we are doing.